Healthy Culture: Gym Facilities
Gym facilities - namely Gymax, SkyGym and Surfers Paradise equipped with full cardio and weight equipment to achieve our 5th Key Result Area (KRA) which will make you healthier.
Plus, our gyms come with full-time trainers to guide you through your workout.
Healthy Culture: Weight Loss Challenge
Every month, a Gymax Idol is selected based on attendance and efforts put in and at the end of the year. One winner shall be selected from the monthly idols and they shall win a paid holiday trip that comes with pocket money.
Healthy Culture: No Smoking Month
“No Smoking Month” campaign is held to support our CKRA no.5 which is to continuously improve the healthy lifestyle of PKT employees measured through participation in our gyms and blood test result.
Not in lobby, not in toilets and even not in carpark area. Strictly no smoking for a month.
Empowering Women
Empowering women is a key part of our approach. In PKT, we are piloting an integrated global approach to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment in our organization, by increasing the proportion of women in managerial positions, including in our most senior executive posts.

Quintuple Helix Model
PKT collaborates with the public sector, universities and communities to create a sustainable business model that benefits society and the environment.
PKT Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (ABC)
Governance can serve as a control mechanism in relation to bribery and corruption, tax, and internal control. We believe active corporate governance is important to the development of company, and provides long-term benefits for our stakeholders, employees and society.
Click here to read our Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (ABC).