Gym Facilities: Surfers Paradise, SkyGym & Gymax

Gym facilities with full cardio and weight equipment to achieve our 5th Key Result Area (KRA) which will make you healthier.
Plus, our new 360 degree SkyGym comes with a full-time trainer to guide you through your workout.

Gymax Idols

Every month, a Gymax Idol is selected based on attendance and efforts put in and at the end of the year. One winner shall be selected from the monthly idols and they shall win a paid holiday trip that comes with pocket money.

Gymax Idol Season 5 continue to pump strong where the Lucky Season 5 winner was brought to travel to United Kingdom, which is a fully sponsored holiday plus pocket money with annual leaves waived.


G.A.D.O, or Gym A Day Off is a program to promote PKT KRA No.5 – If you work for PKT, your health will improve.

G.A.D.O is open to all PKT staff where if they went to our in-house gym for 12 times within a same month, they will be entitled for a day off for the next following month.

Management Weight-Loss Challenge

Management staffs was thrown up challenge to reduce their weight by Dato’ Michael Tio on November 2012. They had approximately 3 months until 1st February 2013 to achieve their idol weight. As result, out of 29 challengers, 26 losses their weight and 3 gained weight. Among 26 challengers whom loss weight, 7 achieved their idol weight.
The winners takes home a holiday package to any ASEAN countries for 4 pax.

No Smoking Month Campaign

“No Smoking Month” campaign is held to support our CKRA no.5 which is to continuously improve the healthy lifestyle of PKT employees measured through participation in Gymax and blood test result.

Not in lobby, not in toilets and even not in carpark area. Strictly no smoking for a month.